The act of checking in with yourself is a hugely important form of self-care. It might not seem like much because it doesn't involve bubble baths, soft lighting and a bar of chocolate, but this simple act can have a profound affect.
Self-care goes beyond just simply relaxing, thought that is a massive part of it. It's also about paying attention to your body and mind, raising your awareness, and reflecting on what's going on for you.This is when you get those moments of clarity, when you learn about what your mind is doing, the beliefs it's acting on, the different people/places/events/thoughts that trigger, drain and overwhelm you.
Making it a habit is the greatest act of self-care, as you're making a commitment to stay aware of what's happening for you, and take action accordingly.
So here's my little challenge for you. Take our self-care check-in. You can do it in your own head, or feel free to scribble down a few notes on your phone or in a journal (that way you get an extra opportunity to reflect on them).
1. Ask yourself how are you feeling? Name the emotions, the feelings, the sensations. Pay attention to them. What are they telling you?
2. What do you need today? What could you do to ease any negative feelings, or indulge any positive ones?
3. What will make you feel good? What's a quick win? What's something you can do that will leave you feeling better than you do now?
Let us know how you get on, and see how it works for you!