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15 Products That Will Help Your Child Deal with Anxiety - Spiffy - The Happiness Shop

15 Products That Will Help Your Child Deal with Anxiety

15 Products That Will Help Your Child Deal with Anxiety

Child with Anxiety

All children and young people can experience anxious feelings at any time during their lives, and this is a completely normal part of growing up. Periods in their lives such as exam times or starting a new school can fill a child or teenager with anxiety, and this is completely natural. However, if child is feeling anxious regularly, and over a longer period of time, it can start to affect their wellbeing, self-esteem and confidence. 

We've heard from lots of parents of children of all ages that anxiety is a common struggle, especially with the pressures our children are facing in this day and age. From body image and social media, to exam and peer pressure, there are lots of different aspects of life which can leave your child feeling anxious.  

We've put together a blog recommending our most popular and most effective products to help your child manage anxiety. 

Tools to help your child manage anxiety

Recommended for: Ages 15+

Written by the author and star of E4's My Mad Fat Diary, this book is written by somebody who gets it. It's a more mature read, as the author Rae Earl talks candidly about her experiences of anxiety, depression, OCD, eating disorders and self-harm, amongst others. However, the entire book is written with real heart, humour and warmth that everybody can enjoy. 

She breaks down her experiences in a funny and relatable way that really get the message across, and does a fantastic job of helping anybody who's living with a "mixed-up mind". 

All the products listed have been chosen as they are designed to ease the symptoms of anxiety in children and as not intended as a replacement to more in-depth medical interventions. If anxiety is having a serious and detrimental impact on your child's life and well-being, please make an appointment with your doctor or GP, your child's school, or get in touch with any of the support services listed below:

⭐ Mind – www.mind.org.uk – 0300 123 3393 

⭐ Samaritans – www.samaritans.org – 116 123 

⭐ Rethink – www.rethink.org – 0121 522 7007 

⭐ Gofal – www.gofal.org.uk - 01656 647722 

⭐ Young Minds - Youngminds.org.uk 

⭐ Find a children's counsellor near you:

      🗣 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy - www.Bacp.co.uk 

      🗣 Counselling Directory - www.Counselling-directory.org.uk 

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