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The snow keeps falling... - Spiffy - The Happiness Shop

The snow keeps falling...

The snow keeps falling...
playing in the snow

It looks like this snow is here for a while, doesn't it? What a nightmare. I spent most of yesterday panicking about not being able to open the shop, thinking of ways we could get there. It forced us to postpone our first Live Well Workshop, and we’ve had to close for two days in a row, with a backlog of online orders to fulfil. It’s so stressful.

But then I had a realisation - there is nothing we can do. We can’t get our car out, it will be a treacherous journey to get there and even if we do, nobody is in the mood for a shopping trip on days like this. Plus we’d rack up a fairly impressive heating bill! 

So what did we do? We played in the snow.

We accepted it was beyond our control, threw on fifteen layers of clothes and went for a walk. And it was brilliant. The fields were picture-perfect crystalline white, everybody’s dogs were having an absolute riot, we played a daft game where we threw sticks and tried to get them to stand up in the snow and of course, we had the obligatory snowball fight. We even treated ourselves to a Turkish Delight to fuel us on our way back up the hill. 

Not everybody has the luxury of being able to just stop what they’re doing, especially the hardworking members of our Emergency Services (spare a thought for them!). But the snow reminded me of something very important: I can’t change what’s happening; I can’t control what’s coming next, so I may as well enjoy the present. I’m going to play in the snow.

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