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14 Products to Help Combat Stress at Work - Spiffy - The Happiness Shop

14 Products to Help Combat Stress at Work

14 Products to Help Combat Stress at Work

For a lot of people, work is one of the biggest sources of stress in our lives. From the mounting deadlines, endless To-Do Lists and constant pressure, our workplaces can be a hotbed of stress and anxiety. According to the HSE, in 2017/18, nearly 600,000 people reported that the workplace stress was making them physically ill. 

Stress doesn't just exist in the workplace, as often it gets carried over into our home lives and has a knock on effect on our relationships, as well as our mental and physical well-being. We've suffered with stress in the past and know all too well the impact it has on our lives, so we've put together a list of our favourite and most popular products for helping you manage stress at work so you can take back some control. 

Simply click the image or product title to view more information, or click the button to Add to Cart. 

Before you start work

When we're stressed, we can easily get caught up in this vicious cycle of feeling stressed and beating ourselves up for not getting more done, which in turn only makes us more stressed. 

So pop this colourful reminder by Ip Dip Design on your desk and remember to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. 

All the products listed have been chosen as they are designed to ease the symptoms of stress and as not intended as a replacement to more in-depth medical interventions. If stress is having a serious and detrimental impact on your work and home life, please make an appointment with your doctor or GP,  or discuss it with your line manager or Human Resources department. 

Alternatively, you can get in touch with any of the support services listed below:

⭐ Mind – www.mind.org.uk – 0300 123 3393 

⭐ Samaritans – www.samaritans.org – 116 123 

⭐ Rethink – www.rethink.org – 0121 522 7007 

⭐ Gofal – www.gofal.org.uk - 01656 647722 

⭐ Young Minds - Youngminds.org.uk 

⭐ Find a counsellor near you:

      🗣 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy - www.Bacp.co.uk 

      🗣 Counselling Directory - www.Counselling-directory.org.uk 

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